Thursday, May 15, 2014

Secrets To CPA Marketing Success

Unlocking secrets…
That’s the life of an internet marketer in a nutshell.
From the moment they decide to make a living online, their life becomes one giant treasure hunt and worse of all…

They don’t usually find the “X” that marks the spot for years.
That’s if they ever find it at all of course.
You need to remember that the internet marketing failure rate is shockingly high.
95% of folk who come to the party leave empty handed without a recouped dollar to their name.
It makes me want to cry.
But look, let’s put that depressing thought on the back burner and talk about how you can avoid biting the internet marketing dust.

The best way to do that?
Hand you a few of these secrets that internet marketers spend years trying to discover!
Don’t Expect To Be Rich Overnight
In an ideal world every get rich scheme we came across would be completely legit and their would be a handful of us trying to stop the rest of the world jumping on our $50k a day system.
We can all dream.

Get rich quick schemes will bury you faster than a JCB being controlled by an escaped convict so adjust your expectations and concentrate on building something lasting.
Don’t begrudge the learning curve – embrace it and relish the challenge.
This mindset will get you through any time you feel like quitting because you’re “fed up”.
(Of course you may never reach that stage – more on that later).
Always Test What You’re Doing

One of the most common mistakes internet marketers make is the “throw a ton of s*** at the wall and hope some of it sticks” way of doing business online.
You can make money doing this but it’s better if you invest just a bit more of your time to find out what’s making you money and what’s costing you money.
You’ll find that a lot of the time one or two keywords (segments of what you’re doing) are bringing in 90% of the money.

That means that the rest are all damaging your profits and the second you cut those losers loose you’ll instantly give yourself a pay rise.
Pick Offers That Make Sense
When you’re looking at what to promote it’s easy to be influenced by the dollar amount each offer pays.
The highest paying offer may look the most attractive but a lot of the time it isn’t.
For one, you’ll be competing with a whole load of other marketers who also decided to promote said offer because it paid more.

On top of that, it’s just not a good idea to select what you promote based on the earnings per action.
Make your own judgements on what will convert, what you think you can effectively market and what you’re happy making.
No need to follow the crowd into darkness.
The light’s much better and the creator of CPA Affiliate Success knows that better than anyone.
His whole course is designed to lead beginners/intermediate marketers to full time income with CPA.

If you like that sound of that and want to discover more CPA secrets then watch this GREAT video now…

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